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Public consultation on the exercise of options and discretions (part 2)

This consultation gives interested parties the opportunity to comment on the draft Addendum to the ECB Guide on options and discretions available in Union law.

Deadline for submitting comments: midnight CET on 21 June 2016

Only comments received before this deadline will be considered.

Draft Addendum to the ECB Guide on options and discretions available in Union law

The draft Addendum determines the exercise of options and discretions available in Union law and mandated to competent authorities, concerning prudential requirements for credit institutions. The exercise of those options and discretions provided for in this Addendum is directly applicable to credit institutions classified as significant.

Deadline for comments: midnight CET on 21 June 2016

Only comments received before this deadline will be considered.

Submitting comments

Please submit your comments by midnight CET on 21 June 2016 using this template:

Public consultation template

Please substantiate your response with relevant examples or data where appropriate.

Submitting comments by email:

Send your comments by email to: SSMPublicConsultation@ecb.europa.eu

Please put “Public consultation on options and discretions (part 2)” in the subject line.

Submitting comments by post:

Send comments by post to the following address:

European Central Bank Secretariat to the Supervisory Board
“Public consultation on options and discretions (part 2)”
60640 Frankfurt am Main

Publication of comments

After the close of the consultation, all comments will be published on this web page along with a feedback statement. For details on how your personal data and contribution will be handled, please see the privacy statement:

Privacy statement
Public hearing

Webcast of the public hearing on 3 June 2016


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