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Supervisory reporting conference 2020

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Online event





Giancarlo Pellizzari, Head of Banking Supervision Data Division


Session 1
ESCB work on EBA feasibility study / Q&A

Presenting the recent publication concerning the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) contribution to the European Banking Authority (EBA) feasibility study on integrated reporting and, more generally, the ECB strategy towards data integration.

Presenter: Werner Bier, Deputy Director General Statistics


Session 2
ITS supervisory data at the ECB and enhanced SSM approach / Q&A

Expected changes to current processes between national competent authorities and the ECB will lead to enhanced monitoring of compliance with reporting requirements. This session will outline the upcoming changes and the planned enhancements to the ECB Data Quality assessment.


  • Patrick Hogan, Head of Supervisory Data Services Section
  • Gregorio Guidi, Team Lead, Banking Supervision Data Division

Coffee break


Session 3
Developments in the field of reporting burden and market discipline / Q&A

The European banking supervision (SSM) data collection database project aims to monitor and support the reduction of the reporting burden faced by supervised entities. Within the database, all data requests issued for microprudential purposes are stored to allow better identification of data duplicates. As in previous years, the Banking Supervision Data Division will publish results of a Pillar 3 reconciliation exercise to promote market discipline.



Session 4
Deliverables for banks / Q&A

This session covers some tools, produced by the ECB’s Banking Supervision Data Division, that are available to the industry, namely the Data Quality Indicator Dashboard. The session also provides an overview of Division's contribution to the ECB Simplified SEP communication to significant institutions, which lists all planned activities and data requests from the SSM.


End of conference
Lancement d’alerte