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Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board

Frank Elderson


Master of Laws, Columbia Law School


Master’s degree in Dutch law, University of Amsterdam

1993 - 1994

Studies at Universidad de Zaragoza

Professional career
Since February 2021

Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board, European Central Bank

Since 2020

Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank

2018 - 2020

Member of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

2018 - 2020

Member of the Supervisory Board, European Central Bank

2014 - 2018

Member of the EU Single Resolution Board

2011 - 2020

Member of the Executive Board, De Nederlandsche Bank

2007 - 2011

General Counsel and Director of Legal Services, De Nederlandsche Bank

2006 - 2007

Head of the Supervision Unit in charge of ABN AMRO, De Nederlandsche Bank


Secondment to Legal Services, European Central Bank

1999 - 2006

Various (management) positions in Legal Services, De Nederlandsche Bank

1995 - 1999

Attorney at law specialising in EU competition law, Houthoff Advocaten

Other posts
Since 2020

Co-Chair of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Risks of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

2018 - 2022

First Chair of the newly founded Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System

2016 - 2020

Chair of De Nederlandsche Bank’s Sustainable Finance Platform

2007 - 2011 and
1999 - 2006

Member of the Eurosystem/ESCB Legal Committee
