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Banking Supervision Market Contact Group

The Banking Supervision Market Contact Group (BSMCG) is a forum for exchanges between ECB Banking Supervision and industry-wide market professionals involved in issues related to the euro area banking sector. The BSMCG discusses developments in the banking sector, structural and regulatory trends, and the impact of ECB Banking Supervision activities.

Terms of reference

Members and composition

The BSMCG is headed by the Chair of the Supervisory Board of the ECB.

ECB representatives on the Supervisory Board and staff members from ECB Banking Supervision may also participate in the meetings.

Private sector representatives are welcome to express their interest in joining the BSMCG by submitting the expression of interest form and relevant documentation to the BSMCG Secretariat. To further increase the diversity of our contact group, we particularly welcome expressions of interest from female representatives.

Expression of interest form


The representatives of national supervisors on the Steering Committee of the ECB Supervisory Board may attend meetings as observers.

For any questions related to the BSMCG, please contact the BSMCG secretariat.

Meeting documents

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