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Structure & leadership

The ECB’s supervisory and monetary policy tasks are distinct from each other and are carried out separately. For example, the ECB’s decision-making bodies discuss monetary policy and supervisory issues in separate meetings. 

The organisational separation between staff members who contribute directly to monetary policy tasks and those involved in supervision serves to avoid potential conflicts of interest.

ECB banking supervision - how is it organised?

Have a look at the organisational set-up of European banking supervision at the ECB

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board works with national supervisory authorities, to keep Europe's banking system safe. In this, it is supported by its Steering Committee. Who are the members of these two bodies and how are these bodies organised?

Supervisory Board and Steering Committee

Administrative Board of Review

The Administrative Board of Review carries out any internal administrative reviews of ECB supervisory decisions, on request by those affected by the decision concerned. It issues its opinions based on the expertise and judgement of its members, in line with EU legislation.

Administrative Board of Review

Mediation Panel

The Mediation Panel resolves differences arising from any objection by the ECB's Governing Council to a decision taken by the Supervisory Board. The Panel’s members are chosen from among the members of the Governing Council and the Supervisory Board.

Mediation Panel

Organisational chart

Building European banking supervision, also known as the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), has required changes to the ECB’s organisational structure, including the creation of new business areas. Six directorates general and a secretariat are devoted exclusively to banking supervision.

Organisational chart
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