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Supervisory legal framework

We work within a clearly defined framework

We work within a clearly defined legal and policy framework. This framework sets out the prudential obligations of the banks that we supervise and the powers and expectations of supervisory authorities. It is composed of general EU banking law, as well as more specific ECB legal acts and policy documents. 

EU banking law

Learn about the rules we apply as supervisors as set out in EU legal acts that govern how banks operate and how they are resolved.

EU banking law

ECB legal framework

Discover the legal basis that defines our supervisory powers, and the legal instruments we can adopt as part of our supervisory toolkit.

ECB legal framework

Supervisory policy documents

Find out how we use different documents and channels to communicate and give guidance on our supervisory policies.

Supervisory policy documents

Public consultations

We ask the public and experts for input when we shape guidance and legal requirements. Here you can find more information on past and current consultations seeking feedback on draft ECB legal acts and policy documents.

Public consultations

Memoranda of understanding

Have a look at the cooperation agreements we have concluded to coordinate supervision of cross-border banks with supervisory authorities outside European banking supervision.

Memoranda of understanding

Online gateway to EU law and compliance with EBA guidelines and recommendations


All ECB legal acts are available in all relevant official EU languages and accessible in EUR-Lex, the official online gateway to EU law providing access to EU legal documents.


Compliance with EBA guidelines and recommendations

The European Banking Authority (EBA) issues guidelines and recommendations. Find out more about them here, including how we comply with them.

Compliance with guidelines and recommendations

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