Thematic reports
- 24/07/2020
Annual report on the outcome of the SREP IT Risk Questionnaire – Feedback to the industry
- 23/07/2020
Report on preparations for benchmark rate reforms
- 10/06/2020
Trends and risks in credit underwriting standards of significant institutions in the Single Supervisory Mechanism
- 30/01/2020
Risk report on less significant institutions
- 14/08/2019
Report on declared time commitment of non-executive directors in the SSM
- 11/08/2019
ECB report on banks’ ICAAP practices
- 18/09/2018
SSM thematic review on profitability and business models - Report on the outcome of the assessment
- 03/07/2018
Report on recovery plans
- 08/05/2018
Report on the Thematic Review on effective risk data aggregation and risk reporting
- 24/11/2017
SSM thematic review on IFRS 9 – Assessment of institutions’ preparedness for the implementation of IFRS 9
ENGLISHOTHER LANGUAGES (14) + - 31/10/2015
Aggregate report on the Greek comprehensive assessment 2015
- 26/10/2014
Aggregate report on the comprehensive assessment