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Additional supervisory data quality checks

The ECB’s Banking Supervision Data Division, in cooperation with national competent authorities (NCAs) within the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), has published a set of extra data quality checks in addition to those already included in the European Banking Authority’s supervisory reporting frameworks.

These extra checks are aimed at enhancing the quality of supervisory reporting data in accordance with Article 4(1) of Decision ECB/2023/18 of 17 August 2023. The ECB applies these checks in conjunction with other controls as part of the quality assessment of supervisory reporting data. The list below is updated as new checks are deemed necessary and defined.

List of additional checks (updated on 25 October 2024)

The ECB strongly encourages significant institutions (SIs) within the SSM to implement the extra checks in their own reporting systems prior to the submission of data to NCAs. SIs are also encouraged to ensure compliance with the checks before reporting to the NCAs under the supervisory reporting frameworks.

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