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Supervision Newsletter November 2021

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"Our ultimate goal is to complete the banking union"

John Berrigan, Director-General FISMA, talks about the European Commission’s proposals to revise capital rules and introduce the Basel III output floor, climate risks, and whether the banking union glass is half full or half empty.

Full interview

In Focus

Banks back to pre-pandemic profitability, but will it last?

Reversals of impairment flows have boosted net profits to pre-pandemic levels. The ECB has noticed early signs of deteriorating asset quality, so this quick rebound could be short-lived, and volatile income sources could drop to lower levels.

Full article

In the spotlight: 2022 supervisory climate stress test

The upcoming stress test is a learning exercise and uses a modular approach adapted to banks’ levels of preparedness. The stress test will not assess entire balance sheets, instead focusing on specific assets relevant for the climate agenda.

Full article

ECB Forum tackles hot banking topics

The fourth ECB Forum on Banking Supervision discussed the impacts of credit risk, climate change and slow banking market integration on banks. Although progress has been made in some areas, most speakers agreed that there is still a lot of work to be done across the board.

Full article

Fit and proper: increasing understanding by consulting the public

The revised fit and proper guide and questionnaire will increase transparency and process efficiency. They also introduce supervisory expectations on climate-related and environmental risks and explain the ECB’s approach to diversity.

Full article

Key data

NPLs down, Pillar 3 data more consistent

The aggregate NPL ratio fell further to 2.32% in Q2 2021, from 2.5% in Q1, driven by a decline in NPLs and an increase in total loans. Pillar 3 data on loans subject to COVID-19 measures were also published in November following a reconciliation exercise which improved data consistency.

Supervisory banking statistics and Pillar 3 information

Did you know...

… that ECB Banking Supervision is on-site again? After more than a year of travel bans and compulsory teleworking, some elements of on-site inspections (OSIs) and internal model investigations (IMIs) are again being conducted at banks’ premises, when local rules allow. The ECB is following the evolution of the pandemic situation very closely. The ECB regularly sent inspectors on-site before the pandemic and launched around 270 missions per year (OSIs and IMIs). It has continued to examine banks during the pandemic, albeit off-site and sometimes with a tailored mission scope. This will continue for all missions where on-site presence is not currently feasible. Around 215 missions are expected to have been launched in 2021, with numbers likely to return to pre-pandemic levels as of 2022.

Upcoming Events
19 November 2021

Kerstin af Jochnick at the FRS Financial Stability Conference

ECB representative to the Supervisory Board will discuss the European Commission’s review of the crisis management and deposit insurance frameworks.

29 November 2021

Pentti Hakkarainen at the Supervision innovators conference

ECB representative to the Supervisory Board will talk about the future of supervisory technology.

Supervision innovators conference
3 December 2021

Edouard Fernandez-Bollo at the 7th Annual Corporate Governance Conference

ECB representative to the Supervisory Board will analyse the ECB’s supervisory approach to EU bank governance.

8 December 2021

Andrea Enria to take part in the Fifth ESRB annual conference

The Chair of the Supervisory Board will talk about strengthening the financial system after the pandemic.

9 February 2022

Elizabeth McCaul at the Global Credit Risk Management Summit

ECB representative to the Supervisory Board will talk about Basel guidelines, modelling and stress testing, climate risk and technological advances in finance.

11 February 2022

Frank Elderson at the POLITICO Live Finance Summit 2022

The Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board will discuss the ECB’s policies and the role of finance in fighting climate change.

Recent Highlights
16 November 2021

The ECB Podcast episode on the ECB Forum on Banking Supervision

Discusses credit risk, climate change and banking market integration and sheds light on the event’s most topical discussions.

The ECB Podcast
3 November 2021

Speech by Frank Elderson on the NGFS Glasgow Declaration

Reiterates that the NGFS is committed to contributing to the global response required to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement and explains how the Network will deepen, amplify and strengthen its collective work and efforts.

25 October 2021

Interview with Edouard Fernandez-Bollo in Market News

Argues that European banks could already increase banking integration and seize opportunities, for example by establishing branches or providing services in other EU countries.

18 October 2021

ECB publishes climate risk stress test methodology

Presents the main characteristics of the 2022 stress test exercise and provides banks with guidance. One of the main objectives of the exercise is to enhance the capacity of banks and supervisors to assess climate risks.

14 October 2021

Hearing of Andrea Enria at the European Parliament

Explains that the ECB is keeping a very close eye on the build-up of risks on bank balance sheets. Asset quality seems to be deteriorating as suggested by several metrics, such as the share of forborne loans.

Introductory statement
6 October 2021

ECB publishes supervisory banking statistics for the second quarter of 2021

Compared with the first quarter of 2021, aggregate data for supervised banks show an increase in the CET1 ratio from 15.49% to 15.60% and a decrease in annualised return on equity from 7.21% to 6.92%.

Press release
28 September 2021

Speech by Edouard Fernandez-Bollo on banking regulation and supervision after Brexit

Explains that the current EU framework needs to be adjusted to account for the issue of third-country branches, as they carry out a significant volume of activities in the EU and could be relevant for financial stability.

23 September 2021

Speech by Frank Elderson on integrating climate risks in supervision

Clarifies that the outcome of the 2022 climate risk stress test will be qualitative and that any impact will be indirect via the SREP scores on Pillar 2 requirements. No bank-specific results will be published.

22 September 2021

Speech by Andrea Enria on the profitability challenge facing euro area banks

Stresses the need for the banking sector to prepare for the post-crisis “new normal” given that some challenges, like low profitability, are long-lasting and deeply rooted.

8 September 2021

Speech by Kerstin af Jochnick on how European banks coped with the pandemic and what lies ahead

Outlines four main focus areas for banks and their supervisors beyond the pandemic: digitalisation, managing climate risks, implementing Basel III and completing the banking union.

8 September 2021

Speech by Elizabeth McCaul on the implementation of Basel III reforms in Europe

Argues that Basel III reforms will not stop banks supporting the recovery – they will make the banking sector more resilient and preserve an environment that supports credibility in the international banking markets.

16 August 2021

ECB and US Securities and Exchange Commission sign MoU on security-based swap entities

Agreement to exchange information about ECB-supervised entities that register as security-based swap entities in the United States represents a step forward in supervisory cooperation.

Press release

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