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2024 Annual ECB Banking Supervision Research Conference

“The European Single Supervisory Mechanism at 10:

Lessons learnt and challenges ahead”

Tuesday, 11 and Wednesday, 12 June 2024
Frankfurt am Main 

Hybrid event

In 2024 the European Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) will celebrate its 10th anniversary. Taking over direct banking supervision of the largest banks across the euro area in November 2014 was a crucial milestone to build the banking union. The need for a centralised banking supervision in Europe was a direct lesson learnt from the great financial crisis and the subsequent sovereign debt crisis in order to rebuild trust in the banking sector and increase the resilience of the financial system within the monetary union.

The conference will immediately be followed by a joint seminar of the Administrative Board of Review of the ECB, the Supervisory Resolution Board (SRB) Appeal Panel and the Joint Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs).


High-quality images of the conference are available via Flickr.


* indicates the presenter

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

Registration and coffee



Mario Quagliariello, ECB


Keynote 1

Claudia Buch, Chair of the Supervisory Board of the ECB

Session 1: SSM – Lessons learnt

Session chair: Fernando Restoy, Financial Stability Institute, BIS


Paper 1: Supranational Banking Supervision, Credit Supply and Risk-Taking: European Evidence from Multi-Country Credit Registers

  • Miguel Boucinha*, European Central Bank
  • Carlo Altavilla, ECB and CEPR
  • Martina Jasova, Barnard College, Columbia University
  • José-Luis Peydró, Imperial College London,ICREA-Universitat Pomepu Fabra - Barcelona GSE and CEPR
  • Frank Smets, ECB, University of Ghent, CEPR
Discussant: Diane Pierret, University of Luxembourg and CEPR

Paper 2: Can supervisors enforce transparent accounting when the rules leave room for management discretion?

  • Nicolas Rudolf*, HEC University of Lausanne
  • Jannis Bischof, University of Mannheim
  • Ferdinand Elfers, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Discussant: Harry Huizinga, Tilburg University


Coffee break and Young Researcher posters


Paper 3: Restoring Confidence in Systemically Important Banks: SSM Effects on Bank Performance

Burkhard Raunig* and Michael Sigmund, both Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Discussant: Alex Popov, ECB


Buffet lunch and Young Researcher posters

Session 2: Supervisory effectiveness

Session chair: Klaus Düllmann, ECB


Paper 4: The Disciplining Effect of Bank Supervision: Evidence from SupTech

  • Cédric Huylebroek*, KU Leuven and FWO
  • Hans Degryse, KU Leuven and CEPR
  • Bernardus Van Doornik, Banco Central do Brasil and BIS

Discussant: Olivier De Jonghe, NBB and Tilburg, visiting ECB


Paper 5: Drivers of Supervisory Capital Add-ons in Banking Supervision: Signal versus Noise in Internal Ratings-Based Models

Discussant: Elizaveta Sizova, NHH Norwegian School of Economics


Paper 6: How (in)effective was bank supervision during the 2022 Monetary Tightening?

  • João Granja*, University of Chicago
  • Yadav Gopalan, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University and St. Louis Fed

Discussant: Huyen Nguyen, Halle Institute for Economic Research and FSU Jena


Coffee break and Young Researcher posters

Session 3: Bank lending

Session chair: Cornelia Holthausen, ECB


Paper 7: Distortive Effects of Deposit Insurance: Administrative Evidence from Deposit and Loan Accounts

  • Dominic Cucic*, Danmarks Nationalbank
  • Rajkamal Iyer, Imperial College London and CEPR
  • Sotirios Kokas, University of Essex
  • José-Luis Peydró, Imperial College London and CEPR
  • Stefano Pica, Banca d'Italia

Discussant: Florian Heider, SAFE, Goethe University Frankfurt


Paper 8: Cross-subsidization of Bad Credit in a Lending Crisis

  • Nikolaos Artavanis*, Lousiana State University
  • Brian Jonghwan Lee, Columbia Business School
  • Stavros Panageas, UCLA Anderson School of Management and NBER
  • Margarita Tsoutsoura, Washington University in St. Louis, CEPR, ECGI, NBER

Discussant: Diana Bonfim, Banco de Portugal and ECB


Paper 9: Unloading NPLs, unlocking credit? Evidence from the ECB provisioning guidelines

  • Serafeim Tsoukas*, University of Glasgow
  • Soner Baskaya, University of Glasgow
  • Jose E. Gutierrez, Banco de España
  • Jose-Maria Serena, Banco de España

Discussant: Brunella Bruno, Bocconi University


Reception and dinner (by invitation only)

Dinner speech

Frank Elderson, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB and Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board of the ECB

Wednesday, 12 June 2024


Session 4: Cyber Risk, Digital Currency and Banking Regulation

Session chair: Thorsten Beck, EUI


Paper 10: CBDC and banks: Disintermediating fast and slow

  • Matthias Rottner*, Deutsche Bundesbank
  • Rhys Bidder, King’s Business School
  • Timothy P. Jackson, University of Liverpool

Discussant: Katrin Assenmacher, ECB


Paper 11: Borrowing Beyond Bounds: How Banks Pass On Regulatory Compliance Costs

Discussant: Emilia Garcia-Appendini, Norges Bank


Coffee break and Young Researcher posters


Paper 12: Cybersecurity and Financial Stability

  • Kartik Anand*, Deutsche Bundesbank
  • Chanelle Duley, University of Auckland
  • Prasanna Gai, University of Auckland

Discussant: Ryan Riordan, LM University Munich


Keynote 2
“Regulation, Supervision, and Bank Risk-Taking”

Session chair: Luc Laeven, ECB

Speech by Rafael Repullo, CEMFI


Best Young Researcher Poster/Paper Award

Introduction: Andreas Beyer, ECB

Prizes handed over by Frank Elderson, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB and Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board of the ECB


Young Researcher Poster session and Lunch


Banking Supervision Colloquium

Lessons learnt and challenges ahead: History of Banking Supervision in Europe and the US

Chair: Edouard Fernandez-Bollo, Member of the Supervisory Board of the ECB


  • Vítor Constâncio, President of the School Council of the Lisbon School of Economics and Management and former Vice-President of the ECB
  • Peter Conti-Brown, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
  • Rosa Lastra, Queen Mary University of London
  • Alexis Drach, University Paris VIII
  • Pedro Teixeira, ECB

Closing remarks

Anneli Tuominen, Member of the Supervisory Board of the ECB


End of conference

Young Researcher posters

Poster 1

Climate supervisory shocks and bank lending: Empirical evidence from microdata” by Maria Alessia Aiello, Banca d’Italia

Poster 2

Does national culture affect macroprudential policy? An international investigation of regulatory behavior on macroprudential interventions” by Ioana Farcas, European Central Bank 

Poster 3

Optimal Severity of Stress-Test Scenarios” by Johannes J. Fischer, Deutsche Bundesbank

Poster 4

Understanding the profitability gap between euro area and US global systemically important banks” by Natalia Martín Fuentes, European Central Bank

Poster 5

Structural and Cyclical Capital Instruments in the 3D Model: A Simulation for Portugal” by Duarte Maia, Banco de Portugal

Poster 6

The Effects of SSM Adoption on Bank’s Profitability: a Long-Term Effects Difference-in-Difference Analysis” by Tommaso Perniola, European Central Bank 

Poster 7

From Flood to Fire: Is physical climate risk taken into account in banks’ residential mortgage rates?” by Benedikt Scheid, European Central Bank 

Poster 8

The Impact of ECB Banking Supervision on Climate Risk and Sustainable Finance” by Lena Schreiner, European Central Bank

Poster 9

Know your (holding) limits: CBDC, financial stability and central bank reliance” by Oscar Soons, De Nederlandsche Bank

Joint Seminar of the Administrative Board of Review of the ECB, the SRB Appeal Panel and the Joint Board of Appeal of ESAs

Experience to date of the three bodies and the outlook in the light of the recent CJEU case-law

Chair: Pentti Hakkarainen, Chair of the Administrative Board of Review of the ECB (ABoR)


  • René Smits, Member of the ABoR, Professor emeritus, Law of the Economic and Monetary Union, University of Amsterdam
  • Luís Morais Silva, Vice-Chair of the SRB Appeal Panel, Professor of Lisbon Law University (FDUL)
  • Michele Siri, President of the Joint Board of Appeal of ESAs, Professor of University of Genoa (remote participation)

This programme may be subject to change without notice.

Audiovisual notice: A photographer will be present at the event taking photographs for our internet / intranet webpage. If you prefer not to have your photograph taken, please approach the photographer directly. The event may be filmed and the video recording, or parts of it, may be published on the internet / intranet.

General information

Conference venue

European Central Bank
ET C2.01
Kaiserstrasse 29
60311 Frankfurt am Main


