ECB Short term exercise (STE) - Reporting templates
Additional supervisory information related to the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP)
The objective of the additional information reporting is to enable the ECB in the context of the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP) to develop risk-specific quantitative tools to provide an estimate of the own funds required to cover risks or elements of risks.
The additional information at recurring intervals is based on three sets of documents, comprising reporting templates and related instructions:
Annex 1 – Requested information Annex 2 – Reporting instructions Annex 3 – Reporting package for proportionate subsidiariesThe set of reporting templates “Annex 1 – Requested information” and the “Annex 2 – Reporting instructions” are envisaged for reporting by supervised entities at the highest level of consolidation, by entities designated as responsible for ensuring compliance with prudential requirements on a (sub-)consolidated basis and by supervised entities that are classified for the purposes of the SREP as ‘targeted’ subsidiaries.
The set of reporting templates “Annex 3 – Reporting package for proportionate subsidiaries” is envisaged for reporting by supervised entities that are classified for the purposes of the SREP as ‘proportionate’ (minor) subsidiaries.
The set of documents included in “Annex 2 – Reporting instructions” aims at complementing the templates included in Annex 1 and 3.