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Emerging climate-related risk supervision and implications for financial institutions

Joint EBRD and ECB conference

Wednesday, 16 June 2021, 10:30 to 12:30 CET (GMT+1)

Online event (by invitation only)

Join the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Central Bank (ECB) for this invitation-only event.

Addressing CLIMATE CHANGE has become an essential part of good corporate governance in the financial sector. Many financial regulators are responding to the climate challenge with recommendations and guidance on climate-related risk management and disclosures. Is the financial sector ready to address the climate risks and seize the opportunities created by the low-carbon transition and green recovery?

This EBRD/ECB online conference will bring together policymakers, regulators, business leaders, rating agencies, and financial institutions from across the EU and neighbouring countries. It will be an opportunity to share lessons learnt from early adoption of climate risk management and disclosures, and to discuss how the financial sector is gearing up for upcoming regulatory changes. Topics will include:

  • early findings from regulators in and outside the EU looking into climate transition and physical risks in assets under their supervision
  • ways in which the financial sector has been adapting and early steps being taken by financial institutions
  • experiences from financial institutions in emerging markets, including the neighbouring EU countries, and the roles that multi-lateral development banks can play in supporting the adoption of best practices


The event will be held virtually via the Cisco Webex Events system. Access details will be provided upon confirmation of attendance.

To attend the event, please register before 11 June 2021.


Further information, including the programme of the event, is available on the EBRD website.
