Challenges for supervisors and central bankers
ECB colloquium marking the end of the tenure of Ignazio Angeloni as a member of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank
Friday, 22 March 2019
Eurotower, Room C2.01, Frankfurt am Main
The conference focuses on challenges ahead for banking supervisors and central bankers in the new environment characterised by a revival of nationalism on both sides of the Atlantic. Sessions will be dedicated to Europe and its citizens, banking, central banking and international cooperation.
- 8:30
- Registration
- 9:15
Opening remarks
Luis de Guindos, European Central Bank
- 9:30
Ignazio Angeloni, European Central Bank
- 10:00
Session 1: focus on Europe and its citizens
Is public opinion in Europe really so divided? Will populism break Europe?
What policy priorities are there for Europe over the next decade?
How can we increase understanding of Europe and present it more positively?Chair: Ferdinando Giugliano, Bloomberg
Lead speaker: Guido Tabellini, Bocconi University
- Daniel Gros, Centre for European Policy Studies
- Beatrice Weder di Mauro, Centre for Economic Policy Research
- 11:00
- Coffee break
- 11:30
Session 2: focus on banking
How can we make today’s national banking champions truly European?
How can financial integration best serve European citizens?
What future is there for the banking union and its relations with UK banking?Chair: Melinda Crane, Deutsche Welle TV
Lead speaker: Jonathan Faull, Brunswick
- Sean Berrigan, European Commission
- Andrea Enria, European Central Bank
- Philipp Hildebrand, BlackRock
- 12:45
- Lunch
- 14:00
Session 3: focus on central banking
What place is there for central banks in the era of “we first”? Is central bank independence obsolete? If not, how can it be upheld? How can the public’s understanding of the role of central banks be improved?
Chair: Ferdinando Giugliano, Bloomberg
Lead speaker: Benjamin Friedman, Harvard University
- Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, Société Générale
- Panicos Demetriades, University of Leicester
- 15:15
Session 4: focus on international cooperation
Global economic cooperation helped to mitigate the last financial crisis.
What is left of global economic governance today? What global cooperation arrangements will work in the future?Chair: Melinda Crane, Deutsche Welle TV
Lead speaker: Jean Pisani-Ferry, European University Institute
- Caroline Atkinson, Peterson Institute for International Economics
- Maurice Obstfeld, University of California, Berkeley
- 16:15
End of colloquium
This programme may be subject to change without notice.
General information
European Central Bank
Kaiserstrasse 29
60311 Frankfurt am Main
+49 69 1344 0 Fax: +49 69 1344 6000
Participants are requested to arrange their own transfers, unless indicated otherwise.
Silvia Geise
Assistant to I. Angeloni
+49 69 1344 5995
Francisco Ramon-Ballester
Adviser to I. Angeloni
+49 69 1344 5604