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Public consultation on the draft ECB guidance on leveraged transactions

This consultation gives interested parties the opportunity to comment on the draft ECB guidance on leveraged transactions.

Deadline for submitting comments: midnight CET on 27 January 2017.

Only comments received before this deadline will be considered.

Draft ECB guidance on leveraged transactions

The guidance recommends that banks put in place a unique and overarching definition of leveraged transactions and to clearly define their strategy for leveraged transactions as well as their appetite for underwriting and syndicating them. Banks should further make sure, through a solid credit approval process and regular monitoring of leveraged portfolios, that realised transactions adhere to their risk appetite standards. Finally, banks’ senior management is expected to receive regular, comprehensive reports about leveraged transactions.

Deadline for submitting comments: midnight CET on 27 January 2017

Only comments received before this deadline will be considered.

Submitting comments

Submit your comments by midnight CET on 27 January 2017 using this template:

Public consultation template

Please provide relevant examples or data where appropriate.

Submitting comments by email:

Send your comments by email to:

Please put “Public consultation on the draft ECB guidance on leveraged transactions” in the subject line.

Submitting comments by post:

Send your comments by post to the following address:

European Central Bank Secretariat to the Supervisory Board
“Public consultation on the draft ECB guidance on leveraged transactions”
60640 Frankfurt am Main

Publication of comments

After the consultation period closes, all comments will be published on this web page along with a feedback statement. For details on how your personal data and contribution will be handled, please see the privacy statement:

Privacy statement
Public hearing

The ECB will hold a public hearing at its premises in Frankfurt am Main on 20 January 2017.

The event will comprise a presentation followed by a question and answer session in English.

Questions may be emailed during the hearing to an address that will be available on this web page shortly beforehand.


The ECB is organising a workshop to present the guidance in more detail to the significant institutions supervised by the ECB and to provide an additional forum for discussion. The workshop will take place on 16 December 2016 in Frankfurt am Main.

If you represent a significant institution supervised by the ECB and are interested in joining the workshop, please send an email to
