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Supervisor in Significant Bank Supervision

What I particularly like about my work at the ECB

I very much enjoy working with colleagues from different cultural backgrounds. You get to meet some really interesting people!

The good thing about the banking supervision is that we actually continue to work with our former colleagues. They never really become former colleagues, as banking supervision is actually one big team comprising both the ECB and the national supervisors.

Moreover, from an EU perspective, the chance to be involved in the very early stages of this newly born EU institution and to contribute directly to the construction of the EU (spirit) is a wonderful opportunity.

How my work makes a difference

As a member of a truly European team of experts supervising the most significant banks in the euro area, we contribute to ensuring a safe banking sector that can better serve the European economy and therefore our European citizens.

In this regard, my experiences at the Belgian and European levels have confirmed the need both to address the inconsistencies in banks’ practices and to harmonise supervisory practices.

Working for the European Single Supervisor will therefore allow me to directly contribute towards ensuring a more level playing field across the sector.

Three things I like about Frankfurt

I really like the quality of life in Frankfurt, with its many green areas and large avenues. Also, you don’t have to wait for three tube trains before you can jump on one in the morning (I lived in London last year).

Another thing I really enjoy is running along the river Main. And, of course, the easy access to Europe and Brussels by train and to the world via the International Airport is great!
