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Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions about the ECB Forum on Banking Supervision.

If you can’t find the information you are looking for, please get in touch with us.

How can I follow the ECB Forum on Banking Supervision?

The Forum will be broadcast live on the ECB Banking Supervision website, and video recordings of each session will be made available after the event. If you are an invitee, you will be able to join the discussion on-site at the ECB’s Main Building in Frankfurt am Main.

How can I find the programme?

You can find the programme here. Further information, including details of speakers and panellists, will be made available closer to the event.

Can I share information about the Forum on my own social media channels?

Presentations and discussions that are part of the official programme will be published on the ECB Banking Supervision website. You are invited to post information about the Forum on your own social media channels and to share the ECB’s posts about the event, using the hashtag #ECBForum.

Is there a fee to attend?

Participation is free of charge.

I am a journalist interested in attending/reporting on the Forum. How can I register?

Journalists are invited to the Forum as participants. For further information, please contact the ECB’s media team at media@ecb.europa.eu.

I am trying to access the online registration page but it says my credentials are incorrect. What should I do?

Please make sure you are using the email address to which your invitation was sent. If you are still unable to access the registration site, please contact the conference office at banking.supervision.forum@ecb.europa.eu.

I have received an invitation but I am unable to attend. Can I extend the invitation to a different person?

We are sorry to hear you are unable to attend the Forum. If you would like your invitation to be transferred to a specific person, please email the conference office at banking.supervision.forum@ecb.europa.eu.


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ECB Forum on Banking Supervision 

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ECB Forum on Banking Supervision
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