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We want gender balance to be the norm now rather than a revolution to fight later. Let us not forget that gender is one of the many dimensions of diversity that we must all value. We should mirror the society we serve.

Christine Lagarde

Gender diversity is a driving force for performance. That’s why attracting, retaining and developing female talent at all levels is a strategic priority for the ECB.

To support a diverse and inclusive work environment, the ECB’s gender strategy aims to increase female representation in our organisation. We have introduced two types of targets: targets for the overall representation of women at different levels, and targets for the representation of women among those being appointed to new and open positions.

Women in monetary policy

To mark International Women’s Day 2024, we spoke with top women economists who work in euro area central banks to learn more about their experiences.

We also asked for the advice they would give to women interested in building a professional path in economics.

ECB targets

These targets are complemented by measures such as a focus on inclusive leadership, diversity ambassadors in each business area, mentoring, and a dedicated “women in leadership” training programme. We also have opportunities designed to be inclusive for all staff, including flexible working hours, part-time working patterns and teleworking.

Read our press release announcing our latest gender targets

Find out more about our commitment to gender equality

Targeting gender imbalances in economics

The underrepresentation of women in economics persists, says Executive Board member Isabel Schnabel. However, the ECB’s experience shows that targeted measures can yield tangible results in redressing this imbalance and bolstering diversity.

Read this speech from September 2020


One year into the pandemic, we can clearly see that the social and economic impact of the virus is particularly hard for women, writes President Christine Lagarde. In response we must choose to challenge women’s roles at home, at work and in our society.

Read more in this blog post to mark International Women’s Day 2021

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